Thursday, 24 February 2011

Tamil Astrology Software - Top Jothidam S/w for Astrologers.

TAMIL ASTROLOGY MATCH MAKING  Matchmaking (Porutham) calculations based on Tamil  astrology  in both Tamil and English.   There are separate sections for both male and female. Enter the time & date of birth, the latitude and longitude of your birth place and the time zone. Select latitude and longitude from Birth place Lat & Long search’ on the home page. 

 Tamil astrology : free 40 page detailed horoscope based on Vakya - Indian Astrology

VAKYAM HOROSCOPE. Based on Pambu Panchangam -Accurate printout Rs.200. Visit, Graymatter, C/O Stardotstar. Astrology Vakyam.
Based on the ancient vedic Indian system Horoscope made on vedic principles, Get your lucky stones, your lagna/nakshatra.

Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius |Pisces

Full set of featuresYou get the full set of astrology features including Dasha, Predictions, Charts for Birthcharts, Marriage-compatibility and Varshaphala.

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